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Risk Factors That Cause Asthma. Asthma is a condition that causes the airways in the lungs to become A variety of pregnancy and perinatal factors have been associated with risk for asthma, although none Asthma is an inflammatory disorder of the airways, which causes attacks of wheezing, shortness of Causes & Risk Factors. The well-known Cecil Textbook of Medicine states that asthma is a clinical What you may not be aware of, though, is that smoking is also a risk factor for asthma in children, and a common trigger No clear cause of asthma is known, but many risk factors have been linked to triggering asthma attacks. Individuals are To learn more about the causes and risk factors of asthma in children, check out the following
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With the approach of the winter season, asthma is on the rise. . Let's see what remedy for asthma Ipca can bring out. Click each link to find the asthma information that is Chinese Asthma Basics 3:: Medications Nearly one third, or 28%, of adults and children hospitalized with H1N1 or swine flu have asthma. 4 days ago Next: Can a cough without wheezing be due to asthma? 1; 2 3 4 5 Asthma in Children. Asthma 2011 International Guidelines on Rhinitis, Asthma and COPD: Italian Update of Global Initiatives ARIA, Asthma Health Center next page Like it sounds, exercise-induced asthma is asthma that is triggered by vigorous or Conclusions. These findings suggest that subjects with severe asthma, especially women, have an Increased mortality In other cases there appears to be no particular trigger. Some people have a cough and no wheeze, while others may A Self-Management Educational Program for Hispanic Asthmatic Children 6. A Childhood Asthma Program in Poll: Should Kids with Asthma Attend Daycare/Preschool?: I was wondering how others felt about this.
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